
Showing posts from 2023

Valenti Whipped Creme Pie

  Original Recipe from Angie *1 box of Jello  vanilla  INSTANT pudding-  follow directions for pie which are on the box. (pie directions is use 1 3/4 c. milk instead of 2 cups for 4 serving size)  MUST BE INSTANT NOT THE KIND YOU HAVE TO COOK. *about 1-2 cups of COOL WHIP--don't measure, just guesstimate. I make my own whipped creme with 8-10oz of heavy whipping creme and 1t of vanilla *2-3 cups minimarshmallows Never measure :-) *bananas (2-4 per pie) *keebler graham cracker crusts I make my own crust - crushed graham crackers (Trader Joes is the best) sometime I crush hazelnuts in it also.  mix the crushed crackers with 1/4 C of melted butter.  using a fork, tamper the crushed crackers to make the crust.  ------------------------------ ---------------------------- 1.  make the pudding using the pie directions. (i use a mixer for this part). 2. add the coolwhip.  mix together with spoon. 3.  add the minimarshmallows.  i am guessing 2-3 cups.  can't use too many.  mix. 4.  in t

Moms French Toast

 I love my French toast!  It is the perfect perfection of challah bread and cinnamon.  Growing up my mom made French toast frequently for breakfast during the school week.  Yes we were spoiled to have amazing breakfasts of pancakes, French toast, eggs and sausage or bacon pretty much every day.  Moms French toast was regular sliced bread (none of us were fans of whole wheat fread French toast but we dealt with it).  The egg, cinnamon, sugar, milk and vanilla recipe was standard but that cinnamon never really seemed to mix completely making the French toast blotchy with cinnamon blobs.  Again dealt with it. Then I moved to the bay area and discovered, ie. Met and fell in love with, my favorite bakery, semi Freddie's.  Who make the best cinnamon twist bread.  Yum